the voices of design

that can be heard and listened to

image description
Solo Player

Harry Huu

The Designer

A curious creature born in the East. Quite often, it dives deep into the most challenging environment, crawls its curious tentacles and grabs all the necessary skills and knowledge to not only adapt but rather florish. Equipped with observing eyes and analytical brain, it can handle various situations and challenges to deliver concise and aspiring solutions. With a stubborn and resilient nature, it will go the extra miles to achieve its goal. It is unstoppable. And of course, with its 8 hands, multitasking is a given.

Harry 's a passionate designer who believes in the power of design that can connect people and improves lives.

With this belief, he has helped both small businesses and big enterprises achieve their objectives in the region. With his unique medthology, hands-on approach, clear purpose-centric direction, each project becomes a unique journey for both his client and himself.

Do not hesitate to contact Harry for your awesome project.


  • Branding
  • Research & Analysis
  • Visual Strategy
  • Brand Name Creation
  • Identity Design
  • Brand Aplication
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Brand Development
  • Packaging
  • Market Research
  • Visual Analysis
  • Design
  • Photography & Styling
  • Production Management
  • Print
  • Brochure Design
  • Publication & Magazine
  • Photography & Styling
  • Print Management
  • Digital & Interactive
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • UI Design


4E Design Process


Dive Deep to go beyond Understanding

    Hands-on Process
  • Hands-on Experience
  • To truly understand the nature of the project, nothing can beat experiencing the product/service/business head-on and hands-on.
    Investigation Process
  • Investigation
  • All possibilities and leads are taken into consideration in order to find out the truth and redefine the problem if necessary.


Set up the Ultimate Goal

    Vision Process
  • Vision
  • Paint a future picture in which the brand thrives it best with the help of the given projects.
    Direction Process
  • Direction
  • Setting a distinguished path that leads the brand to successful future.


Walk the Path of Creativity

    Concept Process
  • Creative Concept
  • Human-centric approach to creating ideas that boost the connection between the brand and its target audiences.
    Design Process
  • Design
  • Simply where the magic happens to create a unique language.


The Final Touch that can Connect and Move People

    Brand Process
  • Brand Application
  • Consistent Identity is built with a holistic approach to give the spirit it needs.
    Communication Process
  • Communication
  • It is the contact point that shakes up the emotion to create sustainable bonds.


  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients
  • Some of Harry's Clients Some of Harry's Clients