master packaging design system

what 's in your Thermos today
Not only being the oldest and well-established brand that provides the excellent thermal solution, Thermos is also your partner that accompanies your everyday journey to achieve your success.
In 2014, from being a distributor, Thermos Singapore became the headquarter that represents the ASEAN and Indian market. Following the brand strategy & brand repositioning by Dentsu, Thermos Singapore saw the need to revamp its packaging system.

An observational research was made to analyze the competitor and to understand further the retail environment in which consumer interacts with the product. It showed that in department stores, even though Thermos has its own display area, the messiness from different individual packaging makes a bad impression when compared to competitors’ consistent packaging identity. The current design also didn’t match the product’s medium to premium price range position. The name Thermos also becomes a product category name which sometimes gives confusion to the consumers.
Therefore the packaging system was strategically designed to fulfill its own objectives ( which were consulted to be independent of the new positioning advised by Dentsu ):
- SHELVE IMPACT. A packaging system allows Thermos to maximize its advantage of owning its retail environment.
- MATCHING PRICE POSITION. A new image that helps Thermos to command its medium to premium price range confidently.
- RECLAIM THE BRAND. A design that reminds the consumers that Thermos is not only a product category name but also a well established and trusted brand.